What is Parquet Format?

Storing and analyzing massive datasets in the rapidly evolving field of data analytics and processing is of utmost importance. Meet Parquet format, an innovative solution that maximizes storage and processing efficiency by utilizing its high-performance columnar storage format. In this blog post, we will explore the world of Parquet, examining its characteristics, benefits, and practical use cases.

Unveiling its Potential

Parquet format is an open-source, columnar storage format developed for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. Its primary objective is to enhance big data processing performance by maximizing storage efficiency and query execution speed. By organizing data in a columnar fashion, Parquet stores the values of each column separately. This approach enables superior compression, efficient column pruning, and advanced predicate pushdown, resulting in substantial speed and resource improvements.

Columnar Storage: A Game-Changer

Parquet leverages the inherent structure of data analytics workloads by storing data in a columnar format. Typically, queries access a subset of columns, and Parquet's design choice capitalizes on this characteristic. The benefits are twofold: improved compression ratios and minimized disk data retrieval, leading to faster query execution times.

When it comes to analytic querying, there is a debate between column-oriented and row-based storage. Typically, we tend to generate and conceptualize data in rows, similar to how we organize information in Excel spreadsheets. Each row contains all the relevant data for a specific record, making it visually organized. However, for large-scale analytical querying, columnar storage offers notable advantages in terms of cost and performance.

In scenarios involving complex data like logs and event streams, a table with hundreds or thousands of columns and millions of rows is common. If this table were stored in a row-based format such as CSV, the following issues would arise:

  1. Longer query execution time: Retrieving data would take longer since more data has to be scanned. In contrast, columnar storage allows querying only the subset of columns needed to answer a query, often involving aggregation based on dimensions or categories.

  2. Increased storage costs: Storing data as CSV files would be more expensive as they are not compressed as efficiently as formats like Parquet.

Columnar storage formats offer inherent benefits, including improved compression and enhanced performance. They allow for querying data in a vertical manner, examining columns individually rather than scanning entire rows.

Predicate Pushdown: Boosting Performance

Predicate pushdown is a technique used in Parquet, a columnar storage file format, to optimize query performance by pushing down query predicates directly into the storage layer. It involves filtering the data at the storage level before reading it into memory, reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed during query execution.

When a query is issued against Parquet data, it often includes conditions or predicates that specify filtering criteria. Traditionally, without predicate pushdown, the query engine would read the entire Parquet dataset into memory and apply the predicates during query execution. This approach can be inefficient, especially for large datasets, as it requires reading and processing a significant amount of unnecessary data.

With predicate pushdown, Parquet takes advantage of its columnar storage format and metadata to push the filtering predicates down to the storage layer. This means that Parquet is aware of the structure and statistics of the data stored in each column, allowing it to determine which row groups or chunks of data can be skipped entirely based on the filtering conditions.

During query planning, Parquet examines the metadata and statistics associated with each column to identify the row groups or chunks that do not contain any relevant data according to the query predicates. These row groups are effectively pruned or skipped, reducing the amount of data that needs to be read and processed.

By pushing the predicates down to the storage layer, Parquet minimizes disk I/O and memory consumption during query execution. Only the necessary row groups or chunks are read into memory, improving query performance significantly. Additionally, since Parquet stores data in a compressed and columnar format, the benefits of predicate pushdown are further amplified as fewer columns and data pages need to be decompressed.

Schema Evolution: Adapting to Change

Parquet supports schema evolution, enabling the addition, deletion, and modification of columns without impacting the entire dataset. This flexibility is invaluable when dealing with evolving data schemas in real-world scenarios.

This flexibility in schema evolution is achieved through several key features and techniques:

  1. Schema Evolution without invalidating the existing data: This means that new columns can be added to accommodate additional data attributes, existing columns can be removed, and the data types of columns can be changed. The schema evolution capabilities ensure that both old and new versions of the schema can coexist within the same Parquet dataset.

  2. Optional Fields: Parquet allows fields within a schema to be marked as optional. This means that data can be written with missing or null values for these optional fields. When reading the data, Parquet can handle these missing values gracefully, ensuring backward compatibility even when new optional fields are introduced in subsequent versions of the schema.

  3. Metadata and Statistics: Parquet stores rich metadata and statistics alongside the data. This metadata includes information about the schema, data types, and column-level statistics such as min, max, and null value counts. By leveraging this metadata, Parquet can effectively handle schema evolution by intelligently processing and interpreting the data based on the schema information.

  4. Write Path: When writing new data to a Parquet file, the writer libraries provide mechanisms to handle schema evolution. They allow for specifying the schema of the data being written, including any new columns or modifications. The writer libraries ensure that the new data is written in a way that aligns with the updated schema while maintaining compatibility with existing data.

  5. Read Path: When reading Parquet data, the reader libraries can dynamically adapt to the schema defined in the metadata of the Parquet files. They can handle schema evolution by inferring the schema from the metadata and incorporating any changes or additions to the schema during the reading process. This allows applications to seamlessly process Parquet datasets with different schema versions.

Platform and Language Agnostic: Seamless Integration

Designed to be platform and programming language agnostic, Parquet seamlessly integrates with various big data processing frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Apache Impala. This versatility ensures easy adoption within existing data ecosystems.

Real-World Applications

Parquet format finds extensive applications across industries and use cases, including:

Data Warehousing: With its columnar storage and compression efficiency, Parquet is an ideal choice for data warehousing, where fast query performance and reduced storage costs are paramount.

Data Analytics: Parquet enables faster data processing and analysis for analytics workloads, making it suitable for interactive queries, ad-hoc analysis, and reporting tasks.

Machine Learning: Parquet's efficient data access and compression capabilities make it well-suited for training machine learning models on large datasets. Its integration with popular frameworks like Apache Spark allows seamless data preprocessing and feature engineering.

Log Analytics: Parquet's ability to efficiently handle large volumes of log data makes it a preferred format for log analytics and monitoring applications.


Although Parquet presents numerous advantages compared to alternative data storage formats, it also entails certain drawbacks that users should take into account. One primary limitation of Parquet is its limited suitability for real-time data processing. As Parquet is optimized for columnar storage and batch processing, it may exhibit slowness and inefficiency when dealing with streaming data.

Another potential drawback is the complexity associated with working with Parquet, necessitating specialized tools and expertise for data extraction and analysis. Additionally, while Parquet excels in compression and query performance, writing data to Parquet files can occasionally be slower than other formats. In conclusion, while Parquet is an excellent choice for numerous big data applications, it might not be the most optimal solution for every use case.


Parquet format has revolutionized big data storage and processing, leveraging its columnar storage, compression efficiency, and support for schema evolution. Organizations dealing with large-scale data analytics can unlock the true potential of their data and gain valuable insights at an unprecedented pace. Whether it's data warehousing, analytics, machine learning, or log analysis, Parquet offers performance benefits that significantly enhance data processing workflows. Embracing Parquet opens the door to a world of accelerated data analysis and empowers businesses to thrive in the era of big data.


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